1) Clean code from Uncle Bob
This book was one of the best books I read in my entire professional life. After you read this book you will be more conscious about the need of writing clean code and I bet you will not look back.
From naming variables to code testing, this book covers all the topics you need to improve your code dramatically.
2) Clean architecture from Uncle Bob
This book like the previous one, is a must to read to every programmer. It will improve dramatically the way you structure and design your software, to achieve high levels of maintainability and correctness in your product.
Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design (Robert C. Martin Series)
3) Grokking Algorithms
This book is an extraordinary and easy to digest guide to the most used algorithms in computer science. Is so easy to read that even non programmers can understand how this algorithms work.
4) Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide
Software design patterns are a handy tool to have in your box. These are software design patterns that are in compliance with the SOLID object oriented principles:
- Single Responsibility Principle. A class should only have one reason to change.
- Open/Closed Principle. Software entities should be open for extension, but close for modification.
- Liskov Substitution Principle. subtypes must be substitutable for their base types.
- Interface Segregation Principle. Clients should not depend on methods they don’t use (keep it short and simple).
- Dependency Inversion Principle. High level modules should not depend on low level models
5) Test Driven Development: By Example
Test driven development allows you to program your software in incremental steps, defining first the business logic rules trough tests, see them fail and produce the minimal amount of code to see them pass. At a first sight it seems that you are doing more work than you should, but once you adopt it you will see that you do less code, with more quality and you will have confidence to change your code without worrying that everything will fall apart.
5 Programming Books you Need to Read
Reviewed by wabpro
mai 11, 2019
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